Sobre a versão sharp da Desigualdade de Hausdorff-Young
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According to the Hausdorff-Young Inequality, we have ∥ bf∥q ≤ ∥f∥p for f ∈ L p , with 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 and 1/p+1/q = 1. In this dissertation, under the assumption that q is even, and by considering the Fourier Transform as being bf(y) = √ 1 2π R f(x)e −ixydx, we obtain the optimal version of this inequality. In this case, we show that ∥ bf∥q ≤ (2π) 1 2q − 1 2p p 1 2p q − 1 2q ∥f∥p for any f ∈ L p ; in addition, we verify that equality holds for functions of the form f(x) = e −ax2+ibx with a, b ∈ R and ...
According to the Hausdorff-Young Inequality, we have ∥ bf∥q ≤ ∥f∥p for f ∈ L p , with 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 and 1/p+1/q = 1. In this dissertation, under the assumption that q is even, and by considering the Fourier Transform as being bf(y) = √ 1 2π R f(x)e −ixydx, we obtain the optimal version of this inequality. In this case, we show that ∥ bf∥q ≤ (2π) 1 2q − 1 2p p 1 2p q − 1 2q ∥f∥p for any f ∈ L p ; in addition, we verify that equality holds for functions of the form f(x) = e −ax2+ibx with a, b ∈ R and a > 0. ...
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Matemática e Estatística. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Matemática.
Ciências Exatas e da Terra (5160)Matemática (368)
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