Development, feasibility testing and perceived benefits of a new app to help with adherence to antiretroviral therapy in people living with HIV in Brazil
Background Despite the availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in many countries, people living with HIV still experience difficulties with treatment. We propose a new smartphone mobile application to assist in adherence to ART. This study aimed to describe this newmobile application’s development (content construction and usability), feasibility testing (recruitment, retention rates [attendance], satisfaction) and primary perceived benefits. Methods Two consecutive studies were conducted. ...
Background Despite the availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in many countries, people living with HIV still experience difficulties with treatment. We propose a new smartphone mobile application to assist in adherence to ART. This study aimed to describe this newmobile application’s development (content construction and usability), feasibility testing (recruitment, retention rates [attendance], satisfaction) and primary perceived benefits. Methods Two consecutive studies were conducted. First, people living with HIV, healthcare workers and experts in information technology provided feedback to improve the content and usability of the app. After changes in the app were implemented according to the feedback, a second study was performed to assess the feasibility and perceived benefits. Effects on self-reported adherence and perceived well-being were also assessed. Results Scores of participants (N = 11) showed differences in adherence (effect size .43) and well-being (effect size .45) after using the app. However, the differences did not reach statistical significance. Observing scores individually, six out of 11 participants improved their overall adherence scores, and seven out of 11 participants improved their perceived well-being scores. Recruitment was 95%, and attendance at sessions was 62.5%. In general, the participants were satisfied with the intervention and viewed the app as an informative tool. Conclusion The results are promising and allow us to recommend further studies with the app. ...
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Pilot and feasibility studies. London : BioMed Central, 2015-. Vol. 9 (2023), 130, p. 1-18
Artigos de Periódicos (40711)Ciências Humanas (7082)
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