• Asteroseismology of massive ZZ Ceti stars : an updated grid of fully evolutionary models 

      Klippel, Theylor Schumacher (2021) [Dissertação]
      White dwarfs stars are by far the most common outcome of stellar evolution, being the final product of more than 95% of all stars in the Milk Way. During their evolution, the white dwarf stars cross several zones known as ...
    • Asteroseismology of pulsating low-mass white dwarf stars 

      Ramos, Gabriel Lauffer (2024) [Tese]
      White dwarf stars are the most common final stage of stellar evolution, corresponding to 99% of all stars in the Galaxy. Around 10% of white dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood are low-mass (< 0.45M⊙) objects. In the case ...
    • Effects of the 12C(α, γ) 16O reaction rates on single stellar evolution computations 

      Pepper, Ben Thomas (2022) [Tese]
      One of the largest uncertainties in stellar evolutionary computations is the accuracy of the considered reaction rates. The 12C(α, γ) 16O reaction is important in stars of all masses, but is of particular importance for ...
    • Evolutionary sequences for H and He atmosphere massive white dwarf stars 

      Ramos, Gabriel Lauffer (2018) [Dissertação]
      White dwarf stars are the most common final stage of stellar evolution, corresponding to 99% of all stars in the Galaxy. White dwarf models can be used to obtain the age of stellar populations, to build an initial to final ...
    • Extremely low-mass white dwarfs in interacting binary systems 

      Soethe, Leonardo Taynô Tosetto (2021) [Tese]
      Extremely low-mass white dwarfs (ELM WDs) are understood to be the result of binary evolution in which a low-mass donor star — mass of the order of that of the Sun — is stripped by its companion, leaving behind a helium-core ...
    • Study of cool white dwarf stars 

      Ourique, Gustavo (2019) [Dissertação]
      White dwarfs stars are the evolutionary endpoint for at least 97% of all stars in the Milky Way. Being the most common stellar fossil, they could be studied as a proxy for Galactic formation and evolution. White dwarfs ...
    • The impact of axion emission on the cooling of white dwarf stars 

      Fritzen, Jamile Katiele (2021) [Dissertação]
      Axions are theoretical particles that have been probed in stellar systems such as white dwarf stars, which have already been shown to be excellent laboratories for the study of axions with coupling to electrons. However, ...